Ceiling Fans: Efficient Aid or Energy Menace?
Your ceiling fan plays a big part in your home’s comfort, and you likely use it most during the warmer season. But when it gets colder out, would keeping the fan running continue to help you? And maybe even improve your energy efficiency in Valencia, PA?
The surprising answer is yes! Does that sound weird? Let us elaborate.
Cheap to Run
First of all, ceiling fans have excellent energy efficiency in Valencia, PA. They barely show up on utility bills. To be precise, it costs about one cent per hour to run your ceiling fan. For comparison, your air conditioner runs you about eight cents per hour!
Saving Energy All Year Round
Don’t get us wrong, if you run your ceiling fan in unoccupied rooms, then you’re wasting energy. But if you’re using it wisely, your ceiling fan can improve your energy efficiency in Valencia just as much in the winter as in the summer.
When it’s hot out, you can run your ceiling fan and your AC at the same time. This lessens the strain on your air conditioner and better circulates the cold air it creates. With the help of your fan, you can run your AC with less energy and still feel comfortable.
And when it gets frosty in Valencia, your fan still has a part to play. All you need to do is switch the rotation of the blades, and suddenly your fan will be able to pull up warm air and distribute it across the room. You can do this so your heater doesn’t have to work as hard as it would otherwise. Maybe take this time to clean your blades of dust and grime. Your household members with
seasonal allergies
will thank you!
Your ceiling fan is a friend through every season. And if you’re looking for a provider to improve your energy efficiency in other ways, Hogue Electric Services can be a friend to you, too.
Energy Efficiency in Valencia, PA
At Hogue Electric Services, we believe in our family protecting your family. We’ll help you any way we can, whether you need air purification or a generator installation. We’re here to serve homes across Valencia, PA, with a level of electrical service that we know you deserve.
Our focus is residential properties, but we can assist in commercial projects as well if needed. So to power smarter, go with Hogue Electric Services. All it takes is one call for a more efficient household.